
Benetos Matthaiou, Sapsila, 85500 Patmos


Benetos Restaurant Patmos holds the copyright for all content on this website.




All texts and links have been carefully checked and are updated on an ongoing basis. We endeavor to provide accurate and complete information on this website, but we make no representations, warranties or guarantees that the information provided through this website is accurate, complete or current. We reserve the right to change the information on this website at any time and without prior notice and do not undertake to update the information contained herein. All links to external providers were checked for accuracy at the time of their inclusion, but we are not liable for the content and availability of websites that can be accessed via hyperlinks. Liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage caused by the content of linked pages lies solely with the provider of the linked page. It is irrelevant whether the damage is of a direct, indirect or financial nature or whether there is any other damage that could result from loss of data, loss of use or other reasons of any kind.

Data Protection

We cannot accept any liability for the security of data transmission on the Internet. In particular, there is a risk of access by third parties when data is transmitted by e-mail.
The use of the contact data published in the legal notice by third parties for advertising purposes is hereby expressly prohibited. The operator expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited advertising or information material being sent. Should individual provisions or formulations of this disclaimer be or become invalid, this shall not affect the content or validity of the remaining provisions.

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